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Effects of chewing gum on oral health

Effects of Chewing Gum on Oral Health

If you chew gum on a regular basis, you typically go through around two pounds of gum per year. It has been reported by the U.S. According to the Census Bureau, that is how much food the typical American eats. However, as long as you chew sugar-free gum, there is no reason to be concerned […]
Ways to combat teeth grinding

Ways to Combat Teeth Grinding

The condition known as bruxism, more often known as teeth grinding, occurs when a person’s teeth are clenched and ground involuntarily. This grinding action typically takes place while a person is asleep, and because the individual is unconscious, the pressure, which can reach up to 250 pounds of force, can be quite painful. Although children, […]
Diets that can ruin your teeth

Popular Diet Trends That Can Ruin Your Teeth

Are you attempting to eat more healthfully? You can uncover a diet fad that promises to be a game-changer in your life and help you achieve a healthier weight more quickly than ever before thanks to the proliferation of the internet. Several well-liked diets, unfortunately, do more harm than good, and you might not even […]
Are bad teeth hereditary?

Are Bad Teeth Hereditary?

The two phrases “brush your teeth” and “floss your teeth more often” are the ones that the vast majority of patients anticipate hearing when they go to the dentist. However, despite the fact that some people have poor oral hygiene habits and almost never have cavities, others who take exceptional care of their teeth still […]
All about baby teeth care

All You Want to Know About Baby Teeth Care

Most of the time, when you have a baby, you don’t think much about their teeth. But did you know that taking care of your baby’s teeth starts before they even get their first tooth? This will help them have healthy teeth in the future. Your baby’s gums are the first step toward a healthy […]
Flossing with braces on

I Have Braces, How Do I Floss?

You are aware of how crucial daily brushing and flossing are for tooth health if you have ever visited the dentist. It’s all too simple to skip flossing, though, as it can be more time- and effort-consuming when wearing braces. If you want to make sure that your teeth are healthy, beautiful, strong, AND straight […]
Same day dental implants in canada

Wisdom Teeth: Friend or Foe?

Over a lifetime, the mouth experiences significant changes. Between five and nine months, a baby’s first tooth will usually begin to erupt. The third molars, which are found in the back of the mouth, are the last pair of teeth to erupt. The third molars, or wisdom teeth as they are more generally known, typically […]
Reasons to chew your food slowly

Reasons to Chew Your Food Slowly

In today’s fast-paced environment, it is not unusual for people to eat while doing errands or grab a bite to eat quickly. It is a pipe dream for many people to be able to sit down at the table for a leisurely dinner because they have kids involved in a variety of activities, they have […]
Oral health & chewing gum

Oral Health & Chewing Gum

If you chew gum for whatever reason, whether it to relieve stress or to make your breath smell better, you should be aware that it can have an impact, both positive and bad, on your dental health. You probably don’t give much thought to the effects that gum chewing has on your jaw when you’re […]
Signs your wisdom teeth need to come out

Signs Your Wisdom Teeth Need to Come Out

Wisdom teeth are the final pair of molars that develop into our mouths, and they normally begin to erupt sometime between the late adolescent years and the early adult years. Even though they are a normal part of our mouths, wisdom teeth frequently lead to major dental health issues if there is not enough space […]